Category Archives: environmental issues

Don’t Shoot The Messenger

With growing momentum, the left has shouted the global warming message from the rooftops. While getting my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, I had global warming spoon fed to me during a book report I had to do on Al Gore’s The Earth in the Balance. I rejected its message even before it was widely discussed.

That was then.  Since then we have heard the message morph into “Climate Change” and “Environmental Justice”, but it still has the same goal…to deprive American citizens of their freedom to think for themselves.  Written during WWII, F.A. Hayek, a member of the London School of Economics, saw this change in England, how much more do we see it now?

It is not difficult to deprive the great majority of independent thought.  But the minority who will retain an inclination to criticize must also be silenced. ~F.A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom

We see people belittled and ridiculed for the audacity of merely disagreeing that Climate Change is a result of America’s prosperity.  Climate change supporters are deniers of their own inconvenient truth. There are periods of warming and cooling throughout the history of our planet that pre-date the industrialization of our society.

It is now difficult to discern who speaks truthfully and who has an agenda.  Dr. Landsea, a hurricane researcher warned that the IPCC’s agenda had become politicized back in 2005 in his Open Letter to the Community.

It is beyond me why my colleagues would utilize the media to push an unsupported agenda that recent hurricane activity has been due to global warming. ~ Dr. Landsea

I personally cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound. ~ Dr. Landsea

The Chicago Climate Exchange, set up in 2003, stood to benefit from global warming alarm and subsequent carbon dioxide emission regulation from the EPA.  The question is why???  Why would then 2008 Presidential candidate Obama tell the nation our energy prices would necessarily skyrocket? How is that good for We The People?

Hayek’s concerns from a different time and place are just as true today. The common thread is the underlying reason why…

…every act of the government, must become sacrosanct and exempt from criticism.  If the people are to support the common effort without hesitation, they must be convinced that not only the end aimed at but also the means chosen are the right ones. The official creed, to which adherence must be enforced, will therefore comprise all the views about facts on which the plan is based. Public criticism or even expression of doubt must be suppressed because they tend to weaken public support. ~ F.A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom

We The People must recognize that the continual erosion of our freedom as this fundamental transformation seeks to socialize this nation requires silence from the opposition.  Ridicule has been used to attempt to silence Americans who dare to disagree with the left.

Don’t lose hope.  Never be silent!

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. ~Matthew 19:26 (ESV)

God Bless America!

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Filed under American History, environmental issues, political

One Possible Future

UPDATE: In the year since this was posted, it doesn’t seem quite so radical. The Gulf oil spill is the latest crisis being used against the American people.  Every day, I fear that we are one step closer to what at one time was unthinkable…

Explore with me one possible future:

“Now for tonight’s headlines.”  The newscaster took a deep breath and sighed uncharacteristically before he continued.  “With the support of all unions, the president has declared the Constitution invalid.  Here’s the Rose Garden press conference…”

“In the interest of global unity, I have declared the Constitution of the United States null and void.  It is no longer practical to allow the citizens to believe they have any influence on the future course of this nation.  We have a greater good we must deal with,” the president paused for dramatic effect, “and I will share what this actually is as you need to know.  Trust me.  In the mean time, I will be the absolute final authority on the American economy and the American people.  All voting will be suspended until further notice.

Now that there is healthcare for all, we need to control the costs.  Everyone is going to have to be realistic in their expectations for their healthcare outcome.  So, there will be mandatory genetic screening, if you have a genetic pre-disposition towards cancer, heart disease or obesity, we will ask you to report immediately for counseling and treatment.  This way we can assure that no one who deserves excellent healthcare will be denied.  Funerals will, of course, be covered by the Single-Payer option.

As for our carbon output, it is time for all Americans to tighten their belts once again.  To discourage the irresponsible use of electricity, we will add an additional 50% surcharge to your bill to help you remember what you’re doing to the earth.  I know there are Internet rumors that claim that Global Warming isn’t based in fact, but we’re going to err on the side of caution and make sure that we win this fight.  Also, all southern states, I know it’s summer, but you can’t go expecting a/c every day, all day.  You’ll just have to go green or get hot.  And since we’re already taxing all American’s in every way we can think of, you probably can’t afford it.”

You are probably thinking, the extreme picture I’ve painted for you above just isn’t possible.  However, it is just one of the many possible futures for America from the cross roads we are standing in.  Before you discount it completely, just think about the fact that the House of Representatives passed CAP and TRADE even though there are studies by MIT and other well respected scientists that say all we are seeing is the normal global cycles of warming and cooling.  Since it is widely accepted that there were at least four major ice ages, it is only logical that there were periods of global warming in between.

Instead, consider what is the motivation for those who are behind the strong push for policy change.  Money and power are at the root of everything we’re seeing.  When the dust settles, we’ll see who made the best deals and won at the expense of the American people.  The winners may be political powers from other nations, union executives and the Washington toads that have sold us out for personal or political gain.  Worse than what I’ve already described, now consider this. Is it that great a stretch of the imagination to believe that there are those in power who would gladly sell America’s future out and have us take on not only a global currency, as they have already alluded to, but come under the authority of a One World Government?

We have an obligation to the Founding Fathers of this nation, to our children and to each other to not sit idly by and watch as our Constitutional rights are systematically dismantled.  Unless We The People stand up and object loudly to what is transpiring in Washington, we will loose the right to disagree, to speak out against, to keep and bear arms and to keep the fruit of our own labors.

Cross-Posted at DirtyRottenScoundrels

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Global Warming and Alarmist Policies


As a chemist, I will offer my opinion that it is arrogant to believe that we can fix the most highly complex equilibruim that makes up the environment of the earth.   To assume that we can correctly predict the outcome of our actions is foolish.  On a small scale, we reap what we have sown.  Yes, we can cause a small locale to be polluted, but left to its own devices, nature will reclaim it. Granted probably not on any useful timeframe, but eventually.

Nature itself has caused periods of climate change. Before man had any technology, there have been periods of warming and cooling, i.e., ice ages. Another well documented example is that huge volcanic erruptions block sunlight because of the volcanic ash that is suspended in our atmosphere, thus causing a period of cooler temperatures. One suggestion brought forward to prevent global warming  is that we should shoot particulate matter into the atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s UV rays.   This could not have been thought out to a logical conclusion.

Consider this, if you block sunlight through the use of particulate matter suspended in the atmosphere you will cause a period of cooler weather. This in turn will lessen the growing season for farming due to these cooler temperatures and less available sunlight. This, in turn would lead to wide spread famine since food is now scarce. Now that plants don’t have adequate sunlight to fuel photosynthesis, we have don’t have the oxygen production we once had. Hand in hand with that, we also don’t have the CO2 being used by plants, causing it to build up in the atmosphere.  Eventually, probably after we’re all dead, nature will reclaim it’s equilibrium and things will grow once again like it always does after a volcanic erruption.

As for the greenhouse gases Americans contribute to the atmosphere as compared to the total volume present, how are we going to cause such a huge permanent shift in the climate to make all of this worth the pain it will ultimately cause? Especially since the rest of the world is NOT going to follow suit on CO2 control, isn’t this like spitting in the wind? We are ultimately going to cripple our own ability to survive in the global market for a plan no one can prove will work. Equilibriums are slippery stuff, sometimes you get an outcome you didn’t expect.

How about a safer alternative. Support Arbor Day, plant more trees. They like CO2 and they were here before we were.  No, I do not support pollution.  If you make a mess, clean it up.

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